Promo: When pain turns into hope || Project: Double Your Impact 2022

Despite all the pains he experienced during his innocent childhood, he did not give up on what befell him


Rather, he became more determined to continue his path in achieving his dreams


Osama is one of the results of the “Double Your Impact” project for the year 2021 at Zaid Educational Center (Qabasin, Aleppo countryside)


Today, he has completed memorizing 15 parts of the Book of God and continues his path until he memorizes the entire Qur’an


With your contribution and giving, we will build a generation that will restore the nation to its glories


$100 for the cost of sponsoring a science student during a year, as part of our advocacy projects in Syria and Turkey


With the possibility of contributing any amount…


You can transfer to our bank account (then send a copy of the receipt to WhatsApp)


Bank name:




Account Holder’s Name


Zeyd bin Sabit yardımlaşma derneği




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